Panel 2.0

The Elite Software Panel DOS based program automatically sizes
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The Elite Software Panel DOS based program automatically sizes all the components (cables, bus ducts, transformers, etc.) in an electric power distribution system in accordance with the National Electric Code. In addition, panel schedules for general purpose panels, motor control centers, and switchboards can be printed. Panel allows the designer to define an electrical power system (up to 1,000 buses) with loads and associated power factors. The "X" and "R" data is automatically looked up for each component type, and all components are sized according to the NEC Handbook. The designer can review these sizes and approve them or override them. Once component sizes are set, the project data can then be optionally analyzed by the Elite Software Short (short circuit analysis) and V-Drop (voltage drop calculations) programs. After any adjustments to the design are made, panel schedules can then be created according to the user's own custom format. The schedules can be viewed on screen or printed in 80 or 132 column format. An AutoCAD DXF file of panel schedules can be created as well.


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